Friday, August 7, 2015

Trains and Trolleys in Japan - 2

Hi, On July 26, while our ship was in port between cruises, Ruthe and I took the day off from touring with the group in Yokohama and rode the Shin Kan Sen to Nagoya. We purchased reserved seats on the super express which took about one hour and twenty five minutes for the trip.  Our layover in Nagoya was about 30 minutes.

We were impressed by the excellent time keeping and the high passenger counts on the trains.  The ride was very smooth.  It was not even possible to tell when we passed over a switch.

While we waited for our train a super express departed for Tokyo from the Shin Yokohama station.

Another super express headed for Tokyo arrived a few a few minutes later (above and below).

Here is an interior view of our reserved seat coach.  Note the 3-2 seating.

The Shin Kan Sen station in Nagoya is situated next to the standard Japanese Railroads station.  Here a commuter train arrives.

Each platform had a variety of Kiosks from which one could purchase food.

A super express arrived from Tokyo just before our train for Tokyo arrived on the near track.

Thanks for looking.

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