Friday, October 2, 2015

Trip to Chicago - Day 5, Part 1

Hi, Friend Dale Diacont and I spent the Saturday and Sunday of Labor Day weekend at the Illinois Railway Museum in Union, IL.  This actually was the main reason we made the trip.  We chose Labor Day weekend because we hoped there would be many things going on.  We were not disappointed.

The museum officially opened at 9:30 AM with train rides beginning at 10:30 AM.  We got there a few minutes after the opening and started to walk around.  One of the first things we saw was this former C&NW RSD5.

The museum has a one mile trolley loop circling the grounds with four stops.  We spotted this former Chicago Transit Authority PCC car moving around (above and below).  It would be one of the cars used on the loop.

Former Chicago Surface Lines 1923 Brill 3142 also would run the loop.

Former Metra F7 #308 (nee C&NW 414) presented a decent nose but shabby sides.

The museum has an extensive bus collection.  There are some real oldies inside the barn.

Former Frisco Decapod (2-10-0) #1630 hauled the passenger train on the five mile mainline outside the museum.  It backed out of the museum onto the main,

ran forward to the head of its train, and

backed down the station platform onto the passenger cars sitting at the station (above and below).  The brakeman is riding on a former milk car.

The fireman looked back along the train while the brakeman guided the locomotive to a coupling.

There are two public grade crossings and one private crossing on the museum's mainline.  This one is for the highway bordering the west side of the museum while

this one is a few miles east.

This is the first stop on the trolley line after leaving the museum entrance and station area.

The Nebraska Zephyr train set and the E5 locomotive would be used on two dinner trains; the first scheduled for 4:30 PM.  Here it is being made ready (above and below).

The museum has a collection of old grade crossing signals some of which have been placed at the various grade crossings in the museum.

Thanks for looking.

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