Thursday, August 13, 2015

Great Rivers of Europe - 3

Hi, We arrived in Koblenz on the beautiful but brisk spring morning of May 4.

Across the river from our docking spot was this small shipyard. 

Soon after our arrival we departed the ship for a walking tour around town (above and three below.)

Called Spitting John, this fountain represents all the bastard sons of invading French soldiers.  Also, it is called the Spitting Boy Fountain.  The fountain spits every two minutes.

We departed Koblenz around lunch time for what was for me one of the highlights of the trip.  Over a 40 mile stretch of the Rhine there are 40 castles.  Some are still occupied.  In addition, there were some very picturesque riverfront towns (above and all of the remaining photos below).

The river provided its own subjects (above and two below).  In the photo above we are about to pass a self propelled barge.

Ferries are used to cross this stretch of the river (above and below).  There are no bridges.

Even though the hillsides are very steep grapes are still grown here (above and below).

At one time the lords of the various castles along the river collected tolls for use of the part of the river they controlled.  At this point the controlling lord placed a chain across the river which would be lowered to the bottom by the occupants of this small fort after the toll had been paid.

Thanks for looking.

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