Monday, August 17, 2015

Great Rivers of Europe - 5

Hi, We arrived in Wertheim in the morning and after breakfast headed into the town for a walking tour.

The town has a castle ruin on a hillside which is open and

a watchtower situated at the point where the Tauber River flows into the River Main.

Wertheim is a typical river front town with very narrow streets.

There are always interesting things to photograph in towns such as this.

Although Jews no longer live in Wertheim the town is committed to remembering its Jewish heritage and its Jewish residents who perished during the Holocaust.  Above is a plaque where the synagogue once stood.

This torah scroll with the Hebrew word for peace was painted on a building.

As with most European towns there was a main square where people liked to come for a beer, coffee, or (in summer) ice cream.

These buildings are actually leaning toward on another.

Many of the buildings on the square had interesting decorations (above and two below).

As we walk around these towns we look for interesting views.

Here again, flower boxes provide an opportunity for gardening.

After lunch I walked up to and explored the castle (above and four below).  The view above looks down the River Main toward where the Tauber enters the Main.

There were three goats grazing in the castle.

Here is another view of the castle.

As I continued my exploration of the town I encountered these two girls enjoying a swing.

Crossing the Tauber on a bridge provided these two views looking down river and

up river.

Thanks for looking.

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